
Posting Schedule – Do You Need One?

Just one of the many questions that crop up in the blogging community. Do you need a posting schedule? Over the years, I’ve changed my mind A LOT on this topic. It’s a bit like niches or self-hosting. Some people say yes, some people say no. What is the right answer?!

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How I'm Starting a Capsule Wardrobe

When I started my eco-friendly journey, I stumbled into the world of the capsule wardrobe. I’d heard of them before, but didn’t really know what they were or understand the concept.

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4 Reasons Why You Need A Pinterest Business Account

You only need to read my bullet journal posts to know that I love Pinterest. It’s one of my favourite platforms to use and helps drive some traffic to my blog. However, none of this would be possible without the Pinterest business account.

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Getting Mental Health Support with a Chronic Illness

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week. Events such as World IBD Day and ME Awareness Week have also taken place. It is the perfect time to focus on part of chronic illness life, which can be overlooked. The mental health effects of living with a long-term chronic condition.

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Creating a Positive Social Media Space for Yourself

We have a love hate relationship with social media from time to time, right? Most of me loves it. Social media helps you keep in touch with loved ones and follow inspirational people. From a blogging perspective, social media platforms are also incredible tools. My blogging journey has led to a fascination with all things digital marketing. However, a part of me knows there will sadly be some negativity. It might be a controversial post or annoying comment (aah the joy of Instagram bots). You may just be scrolling through your Instagram feed and think “I’m not sure that following this person is right for me anymore”.

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Hidden Gems Leicestershire – Earth to Connie Guest Post

Hello there! For today’s post, I’m taking part in the new Hidden Gems travel series. Hosted by Earth to Connie, the series aims to create a list of Hidden Gems all over the world. Hidden Gems can be anything from a cafe, a bar, a park, a museum and anything else in your hometown that is underrated. My hometown, or shall we say county as I don’t live in the city centre, is Leicestershire. I feel that the general consensus of Leicester is that it’s not that exciting and don’t get me wrong there are better places in the world! Nevertheless, it’s home for me, so it will always hold a special place in my heart and you never know where you might find an unexpected gem. So, here are my Hidden Gems in Leicestershire.

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The Classic Victoria Sandwich

Cake, what a great way to start my foodie posts! The reason for making a Victoria sponge today is that I have American relatives coming to stay. So, nothing better than a traditional British cake to represent our culture. Sorry about the old fashioned measurements. I got the recipe from my mum who got it from her mum!

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An Afternoon in the Kitchen #2: Blackberry and Lemon Cupcakes

On a little walk to relieve ourselves from the craziness of having a new boiler fitted and radiators cleaned, Mum and I came across a whole stash of blackberries in our village, which no one had yet taken the delight of picking. Armed with a plastic bag, we managed to gather a veritable collection of blackberries, the perfect opportunity for some baking to take place.

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Raspberry Ice Cream loaf

When it was the day of Andy Murray’s heroic Wimbledon win, I was down at my auntie’s for a family gathering. One of the desserts my cousin made was really delicious that I just had to have it!! This raspberry ice cream dish is so easy to make, so I thought I’d post a pic of the recipe for you. You can also see my attempt. It tastes great, but I’m too scared to take it out the tin in case it melts everywhere, so mine is just a raspberry explosion!!

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Expanding the Joyful Blogging Community

Happy Wednesday! How is your week going? So, if you didn’t know already, I run a Pinterest group board for bloggers called Joyful Blogging. The board is a place for positivity in the blogging community where bloggers can share their content as well as support and discover other bloggers. I always had in my mind that this would be the first step towards creating a larger Joyful Blogging community online, and I’m pleased to say that the community is expanding! Below are the places where you will be able to get involved.

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