


How to Easily Keep Up with Reading Blog Posts

Being a blogger is not just about posting on your own blog. It’s about being an active member of a community and supporting each other through the journey. One of the easiest ways to do this is by reading blog posts, as it boosts traffic and helps everyone grow. What’s more, I love reading people’s posts and leaving a nice comment or sharing a post can make someone’s day. Read more


How Sustainable Living Can Save You Money

If you follow me on social media, you may have seen the Twitter and Instagram story polls about why people aren’t being more sustainable. Over the past few months, I’ve picked up on some factors that crop up a fair amount. These include people not having enough time and not liking change. The most common one though is money and people thinking that leading a more sustainable lifestyle is too expensive. Let me tell you right now, this is not the case. Sustainable living can save you money and here are some reasons why. Read more


How to Deal with Injection Anxiety

I don’t know about you, but I used to HATE injections when I was younger. Needle phobia is real and it’s horrible. I would be so anxious when I went to have an injection and it would take a big effort from my mum and the nurse to actually get me to sit still to have it done Read more


How to Create an Instagram Landing Page

Most of us know the frustration of only being able to add one link to Instagram, especially if you’re a blogger. You want to include your blog link, but then what about your social media or a specific page on your blog you want to share with your audience? There are tools such as Linktree which allow you to create a custom landing page, but the issue is that this takes traffic away from your blog because another platform is hosting your links page. The solution? It’s actually really easy to create your own Instagram landing page on your blog, so you don’t lose any traffic. Read more


My Must-Have Bullet Journal Supplies

Since starting my bullet journal (a year ago, crazy) I’ve tried various pens and stationery bits and bobs. A year on, I feel like I have my favourite bullet journal supplies that are my go-to products. If you have a journal or are thinking about bullet journaling, here are my recommendations. Read more


Leicester Fempreneur Community and Networking Events

Having this year off university and focusing on my blog has really made me realise the pros and cons of working for yourself. While its great because you get to concentrate on your passion and enjoy what you are doing, working for yourself also means working by yourself a lot of the time Read more


A Reintroduction and Defining my Content

You may have noticed a few tweaks to the blog these past few days. A new about page (again), separate privacy policy and newsletter to be a bit more precise. I’ve been working behind the scenes to get the blog the best it can possibly be. Here’s a little reintroduction and what you can expect from now on. Read more


Sassy Planner 2019/20 Academic Planner Review

Despite the fact that I use my bullet journal for planning, I also like to use it for mindfulness. If I’m feeling stressed, I like to go and practice brush lettering or just doodle. It’s a creative hobby for me, therefore I don’t tend to use it for work-related bits and bobs. What’s more, I like to take my time over my bullet journal and keep it as a more artistic outlet, rather than being full of university dates and deadlines. As a result, I prefer keeping a normal planner too, where the necessary setup is already in place and I quickly jot down any key information. Read more


6 Simple Eco-Friendly Cleaning Ideas

I feel like cleaning is something that gets overlooked when it comes to eco-friendly living. There’s a big focus on the likes of sustainable fashion and beauty, which don’t get me wrong are incredibly important, but cleaning is another everyday activity involving a lot of single-use products and harsh chemicals that harm the environment. In actual fact, it’s very easy to make those household chores more sustainable. Here are 6 simple eco-friendly cleaning ideas to get you started on your sustainable journey. Read more


How to Easily Find Sustainable Fashion Online

Adjusting to a more eco-friendly lifestyle has been going well so far. My beauty and cleaning routines are more environmental. My family and I are also trying to reuse products that would have otherwise gone in the bin or recycling (e.g. milk bottles as plant pots as seen on my Instagram). Something I do struggle with still is fashion. Ideally I want to shop from brands that are sustainable and ethical, but within my budget. Read more