


How to manage chronic fatigue with IBD

A symptom that really took its toll since my Crohn’s disease diagnosis is the fatigue. I feel like it was the part of IBD that people didn’t discuss much when I found out about the condition. Despite this, it impacts so many people living with long-term health conditions on a daily basis. Read more


The Wild Indoors No.1: Getting Creative

Welcome to the first of a 5-part blog post series, The Wild Indoors. This is a collaborative series written together with Leah Bennett, who is a sustainability writer and researcher. Over the next 5 posts, we’ll share tips on how to bring more nature into your life, even when you are at home because of lockdown. Read more


The Wild Indoors No.2: Reading and Writing

Welcome to part 2 of a 5-part blog post series, The Wild Indoors. This is a collaborative series written together with Leah Bennett, who is a sustainability writer and researcher. Over the next 5 posts, we’ll be sharing tips on how to bring more nature into your life in a variety of ways, even when you are staying because of lockdown. Read more


How to Deal with Overwhelm

Do you ever feel like you have a million thoughts rushing round your head at once? There’s so much to do and everything just seems like it’s too much. Moments like these are sign of overwhelm. You feel like life is getting on top of you. You don’t where to start or how to break free of the stress that all those thoughts cause. Overwhelm is very common, and is something that I have had to learn to overcome, and sometimes it still creeps up on me. When I do start to enter that overwhelmed bubble though, there are some things which I always do deal with overwhelm and get on top of it. Read more


5 Important Things to Remember About Mental Health

The 10th October every year is World Mental Health Day. World Mental Health Day has a different theme each year, 2020 being to raise awareness for the lack of investment surrounding mental health services. It’s heartbreaking that in 2020, so much work still needs to be done to provide accessible mental health support, even when it is estimated that 1 in 4 people may experience some form of mental health struggle in their lifetime. Read more


How to develop a more sustainable food shop

An area of life where we lead less sustainable lives is food shopping. And it’s hard. There is plastic everywhere and we often drive to large supermarkets. You then have the supply chain process from start to finish of each product and deliveries. Ideally, I would say buy organic from local stores, use zero waste shops, grow your own, and eat seasonal produce. In reality though, these are not options for many. Read more


Ideas for Creating a Self-Care Toolkit

How much self-care time do you give yourself? There is so much productivity and motivation talk these days. It seems that the ‘in thing’ is all about having to-do lists with 3000 things on them. Let’s not forget that self-care and rest is part of being productive too. Read more


Resetting after University with the Amanthis Master Mindset Diary

This post contains an AD – PR Product. Please see my disclaimer for more details.

At the end of August 2020, I finished my degree. 4 years of university and 18 years of education done so fast. Crazy! When I finished my work, it was weird. I submitted my last exam and just like that it was over. The work suddenly stopping, for me, led to some post-university burnout. The same goes for many things in life. If you are focused on something and then it ends, you feel a bit lost. Read more


New Year Thoughts: Moving from 2020 to 2021

I think many of us are ready to see the back of 2020. The year has brought the biggest challenges that I, for one, have faced in my lifetime yet. It’s OK to want to say goodbye to the year that none of us were expecting. Read more


Why Sustainability Should Be Part of Your Wellbeing

Recently, there are 2 words – or rather ways of life – which have received more attention than ever. Wellbeing and sustainability. While the meaning of both phrases is vast, and difficult to sum up in a sentence or two, these days we associate certain qualities to each word. Read more