How to Deal with Injection Anxiety
I don’t know about you, but I used to HATE injections when I was younger. Needle phobia is real and it’s horrible. I would be so anxious when I went to have an injection and it would take a big effort from my mum and the nurse to actually get me to sit still to have it done. However, over the last few years, my fear has improved. These last few months particularly have seen various blood tests, injections and a few other procedures required to diagnose Crohn’s. I’ve now developed techniques and coping mechanisms for whenever I go to the doctor’s or the hospital. Here are my tips on how to deal with injection anxiety.
When you panic about anything, your breathing tends to become faster and shallower, which isn’t good for you. Really try and focus on your breathing technique. Practising beforehand can help.
Don’t Look
I know that thinking about injections can be difficult and looking during the process won’t help. If there’s a window in the room, look outside and see what’s happening, or focus on something else in the room.
Talk to Someone
An important thing is to tell someone how you feel. If you need to lie down, then don’t be afraid to say that. If you want to get some fresh air, say that. Know that you are not alone and lots of other people feel the same way about injections.
If you’re allowed, have a family member or friend come with you for moral support and talk to them or the nurse through the injection. I’ve rambled about blogging and university to a lot of nurses recently and it does help.
Have Something to Eat & Drink
Having injections, especially a blood test, can sometimes make you feel a bit faint. Make sure you have food & drink with you, or if not, ask the nurse or doctor performing your test for some. I’ve had my fair share of biscuits courtesy of the NHS! I honestly believe just thinking about food during a blood test has helped me anyway.
The Anticipation is Worse
An element of anxiety can be overthinking things and building them up in your head without really knowing what is going to happen. I know that used to be me with injections.
I’ve come to realise though that the anticipation is worse than the injection itself. When the nurse says “You will experience a small, sharp scratch”, that’s really all it is and it’s over in a second. You’re back home before you know it!
There’s a Reason Why You’re Having It Done
If you’re having an injection or blood test, there’s a reason that you’re having it done. Maybe it’s an injection to protect you from an illness or you’re worried about something and a blood test is done to check nothing is wrong.
Whatever it is, these tests are done to prevent something worse from happening. Therefore, when you have to have an injection, don’t think of it as a horrible event, think of it as a positive thing that is going to keep you healthier.
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Do these tips help you know with how to deal with injection anxiety? Have you found any coping strategies that work for you?